IF WE make agricultural robots more intelligent, can we make farming more precise and sustainable ?
While farming today requires a large investment in machinery, it generates relatively low revenue –; and accommodating ecology demands asks farmers to invest more time and take more risk. Using robotics could help farmers with low value-added, time-consuming work, reducing costs and helping mitigate risk.
Because every different crop and activity could have its own dedicated robot and process, it would make the price of the final product expensive. The challenge is to cover the highest number of crops and activities through a common platform, thus making farming ecology affordable. Farming tools for soil preparation, seeding or weeding have been manufactured for years by several leading companies across the world. They cover hardware conception, industrialization, sale and maintenance; but they remain highly focused on traditional activities, so they refrain from doing something that disrupts the market.
AgreenCulture’s mission is to design a relevant solution for transforming costly farming ecology into affordable alternatives. Robotics offers a relevant solution to meet this goal.
AgreenCulture supports farm machinery companies by helping to change a passive farming tool into a smart robot capable of agroecology with low financial risk. They offer a proprietary, highly accurate (2 mm accuracy) GNSS-RTK system that enables any robot to function safely and with a high level of integrity during operations. They also offer a positioning guidance AI connectivity-cloud access box that is installed on all new robots sold by its industrial and commercial partners.
Testing in the market identifies technical difficulties, making its partners more confident to make bigger investments towards industrialization.
AgreenCulture also offers a positioning guidance AI connectivity-cloud access box that is installed on all new robots sold by its industrial and commercial partners.
All robot developments for new farm machinery by our industrial partners start with a one-year Proof Of Concept. Testing in the market identifies technical difficulties, making our partners more confident to make bigger investments towards industrialization.
Investments in agriculture are crucial to increasing the capacity for agricultural productivity and sustainable food production systems are necessary to help alleviate the perils of hunger. AgreenCulture are the closest possible to the farmer's needs and reduce cost by limiting inputs and achieve a more responsible and sustainable agriculture
The 3DEXPERIENCE® platform enables AgreenCulture to make new development ultra-efficient by using a common set of requirements and specifications.
Using the platform’s modelling and simulation apps allows the team to work faster from original idea to final product.
Investments in agriculture are crucial to increasing the capacity for agricultural productivity and sustainable food production systems are necessary to help alleviate the perils of hunger and give healthy options to consumers. AgreenCulture helps meet farmers’ needs and reduce their costs by limiting inputs and achieving more responsible and sustainable agriculture.
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