IF WE provide desirable and smart monitoring devices, can we make patients better control their conditions?
Glucose monitoring devices are necessary on a daily basis for the 100m severe diabetics. Their choice is limited: between affordable but highly painful Blood Glucose Monitoring tools, and costly / highly stigmatizing Continuous Glucose Monitoring devices, solutions are far from perfect. Besides these devices are limited, collecting a single set of data, glucose variation, ignoring the cause of changes.
K’Watch is a Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) system embedded in a Smartwatch. It is composed of two parts: K’apsul, a weekly patch that is adhesived to the skin, and the Watch. It measures glucose levels from glucose molecules in the interstitial fluid reacting with biochemicals on microneedles. The Watch interprets the signal returned by the patch, store and display the information, and can sync it to the cloud via an app. K’Watch unique architecture disrupt user experience, accuracy and payer ROI.
PKvitality ensures healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. 425 million people worldwide have diabetes, according to the International Diabete Federation. Thanks to their watch, people can track easily and discreetly their glucose levels throughout the day and night.
o Painless thanks to its microneedles less than 1mm that do not reach the pain nerves, and to its soft patch
o Convenient with glucose reading at a glance away
o Discreet as the CGM part is invisible, hidden below the watch; hyper and hypoglycaemia alerts are pushed to the patient via a subtle vibration
Accuracy revolution thanks to multiple patented innovations
Cost revolution: the number of consumable parts is divided by 5 vs traditional CGM, as K’Watch has no applicator and electronic components are moved from the patch to the watch.
Service revolution: embedded sensors (accelerometer, HR…) + glucose data + AI in the cloud enables PKvitality to provide the patient with a better understanding of its condition.
The 3DEXPERIENCE® platform is the perfect framework to access world-class tools like CATIA and ENOVIA to accelerate and secure our MVP for our medical device solution.
The 3DEXPERIENCE® platform is an opportunity to have access to a unique collaborative ecosystem to co-develop our medical device and in particular to co-design a skin model to simulate the human skin from a mechanical and for a fluidic perspective saving precious time to certify our SkinTaste© sensor.
Nothing is impossible
We push the limits of every domain to find innovative and unexpected solutions. We shift the boundaries of the possible for the ultimate well-being of the end user.
Passion and Faith
We are driven by a common passion: create products and services that are both simple and pleasant to use. We believe in their immense potential for human beings.
Active Listening
Listening and caring are at the heart of our approach. In everyone’s speech there is something unique. We strive to find this treasure in every interaction.
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