IF WE give patient smart wearables, can we offer preventive ambulatory medicine?
For patients with chronic illnesses, a primary goal is to create the best possible quality of life for living with a disease. During diagnosis or clinical trials , recording data from patients is often done over a too short a period of time for a proper clinical conclusion. Long term recordings of patients are often difficult due to complexity of measurement, cost of hospitalization, patient burden or lack of availability of specialized doctors. Yet, these long term recordings are critical for an accurate diagnosis and care plan setting, in many pathologies such as epilepsy, cardiovascular disease and sleep disorders.
BioSerenity’s mission is to provide solutions that allow for the long-term recording and monitoring of patients, in their normal environment, while keeping gold standard (approved medical device) measures. They focus on A.I.-assisted medical recordings, using smart clothing for medical devices delivery.
BioSerenity’s solutions include sensors, apps, the internet of things and a medical team to help people live better. Continuous monitoring will provide doctors with a large amount of visual and quantitative information, enabling them to determine more accurately the type of treatment for prescribing, adherence, dosage and side effects.
BioSerenity ensures healthy lives and promote well-being for all ages. Their solutions allow patients yo be connected with their healthcare providers anytime and anywhere.
BioSerenity has adopted the 3DEXPERIENCE platform on the Cloud for Medical Science, Wearable Design, Modeling and Simulation, production and Data Science solutions. The 3DEXPERIENCE platform is helping BioSerenity to deliver better patient pathway and develop new generation sensors.
The company is located in Paris’s prestigious Brain and Spine Institute is one of the largest Neurology institutes in the world. The company’s 100+ scientists, engineers and doctorsshare a laboratory there to develop medical Artificial Intelligence and enhanced data-based diagnostics to identify digital biomarkers.
With an international team of over 100 people, with M.Sc, M.D., PhD, Pharma.D, BioSerenity aggregates talents from Engineering, Science, Medicine and Business.
IF WE give robotic companions to children, can we spark interaction & motivation to learn, play & progress?
If we create realistic simulations of human organs, can we revolutionize medical care?
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