IF WE were all makers, can we fabricate our ideas easily?
DESIGN, MAKE, SHARE IN FABLABS: To make things, to better learn, repair or to prototype, people meet in our fabrication space. To empower these new communities of users, 3DS supports FabLab initiatives around the world and anticipated this movement by setting up its own 3 years ago on the Paris Campus.
Dassault Systèmes´ FabLab initiative started three years ago, taking over an open space on the company´s campus and further opening it to the outside. It was designed to unleash creativity, with a corresponding community on a social platform to share projects, be challenged, and receive support and international exposure, outside of campus boundaries.
Approximately 13,000 employees were invited to connect, as well as 200,000 designers from all around the world. The Dassault Systèmes FabLab is an initiative to spot talents and makers, and to help young people make their dreams come true. Successful examples include a creative drone design, biomimicry lamps and iphone covers…see the best of 2014 in video. It fosters collective intelligence and social links across generations, and between professionals and amateurs.
The FabLab entailed the creation of an accelerator to follow-up on the best projects. "Love by me" is an online offering to customize and 3D print your jewelry. It was created by designer Benoit Ravez and the service is now online--it had been scouted on the platform and the team helped it reach the industrialization stage. In partnership with Sculpteo, a 3D printing startup, and Intermarché, a famous French retailer, this new concept was even promoted for Valentine´s Day !
Another example is the creation of a 3D-printed drone by two young engineers, in less than two months for a few hundred euros.
In addition to prototyping, ideation and design activities are also part of the FabLab. Access to manufacturing tools is very important for employees. A dedicated team composed of design engineers, design experts and system experts support the activities.
Dassault Systèmes´ FabLab has an impact on Dassault Systèmes´ open innovation, which is adapting its software offering according to audience insights. It´s a source for encompassing modern constraints and innovative design possibilities, like generative design from specifications and simulation or biomimicry.
A similar Dassault Systèmes FabLab opened in Detroit and will open soon at the company´s Boston campus. Above all, the FabLab is a place to meet, share and discover—a physical space but also an online community to share projects, learn from others, connect with people internationally, and challenge each other with regular competitions. MADEin3D™ international challenges are set up on the online social platform. You can connect to this social network, which welcomes all makers, designers and anyone passionate about 3D printing from around the world.
Frédéric Vacher, Fabien Noyer and Sébastien Rosel are three passionates who are driving the FabLab initiative in our headquarters.
Dassault Systèmes´ FabLab is an internal 3DS collaboration program, opened to employees willing to develop their own projects and to the startups that are part of the3DEXPERIENCE Lab incubator. They can use the tools and softwares they need, and the team is always available if they need support or have questions concerning the development of their project.
IF WE have a working environment for production-ready innovation, can we transform the future factory?
IF WE give access to digital fabrication, can everyone be a maker?
IF WE open our hearts and leverage our products thanks to a passionate community, can we make memorable experiences for children in wheelchairs?
Do you think your project is the next big thing?
Join the team !