IF WE deploy smart geoponic farms, can we produce more and locally?
The agricultural world faces various challenges for which Futura Gaïa provides a sustainable long terms answer. On Population by improving our capacity to produce locally to cope with demographic changes (30% growth by 2050, 70% of which will be in urban areas). On Environment by reducing phytosanitary products and the carbon footprint, by limiting the consumption of natural resources (water, agricultural land...) On climate, by facing the problems of rising temperatures and the multiplication of climatic incidents. On health & food, by rediscovering taste and nutritional qualities for a diet that combines health and pleasure. On economy by contributing to waste reduction and price stabilization, by creating local and permanent low-skilled jobs.
Futura Gaïa mission is to design, create & sell turnkey local vertical farms in the perspective of providing an efficient, immediate, and sustainable solution so that agriculture can answer urgent and unprecedented challenges.
Futura Gaïa aims at being a global impact player in the agriculture ecosystem by offering a complete and highly automated solution of indoor vertical farms using living soil (geopony) to produce fruits, vegetables or flowers, 365 days per year in a fully controlled environment without using any pesticides, and with a severely reduced water consumption.
The solution is a combination of innovative software & hardware technologies and precision agronomy to guarantee and optimize quality, productivity, and of course end-to-end traceability, which has now become a major issue.
This new farming model guarantees the final consumers the highest standard in terms of health, nutrient quality, and taste, at reasonable prices.
The ambition is to go above and beyond metrics for a global impact on people life.
Impact is at the cornerstone of Futura Gaïa development as it aims at providing an effective and scalable long-term immediate answer to dramatic environmental and health challenges providing consumers access to local, healthy, and sustainable all-year round food
Futura Gaïa solution heavily relies on technological innovations both on hardware & software.
From virtual reality to simulate the farm operation & train the farm operators to big data and machine learning to improve the overall efficiency of the farm, we are convinced that partnering with Dassault Systèmes will generate great mutual benefits to create a French world key player in the strategic CEA (Controlled Environment Agriculture) industry.
Futura Gaïa designs for the agricultural world a solution of indoors vertical agriculture on living soil, in a controlled environment. These future farms in peri-urban areas combine precision agronomy and cutting-edge technology. They will be one of the answers to the challenges of feeding future generations and to their expectation of naturalness.
The project requires a diverse set of technical and management skills covering a broad spectrum from agronomy to IT to business growth management. We have a clear idea of the global team including partners that needs to be gathered to move from concept and pilot farm to a successful corporation. Our ecosystem should be driven by the pursuit for social relevance, economic performance as well as the satisfaction of all the stakeholders.
The current team features 27 persons and is due to increase in the next few years with a lot more people in the technical engineering, software and agronomy teams.
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Do you think your project is the next big thing?
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